A Modern Formal Logic Primer

Welcome to the A Modern Formal Logic Primer website. The Primer was published in 1989 by Prentice Hall, since acquired by Pearson Education. Pearson Education has allowed the Primer to go out of print and returned the copyright to me. I am now happy to make it available without charge for instructional and educational use.

Each volume is broken into individual chapters. And each volume has an associated solutions manual (the last item under each volume). There is a file with corrections to both the text and the answer manual. Also note a file with the diagrammatic summary of the rules that appeared on the inside cover of the published version of the primmer. All files are in Adobe Acrobat PDF 6 format. – they require version 6, or newer, of Adobe, which can be down loaded here. All files are fully searchable.

The answer manual was produced by Jennifer Faust, and I am eager to thank her for this and much other help in producing the Primer.

There are also several links to Software that may be used with the Primer. Tom Weston’s “Prooftutor” is designed to be used with the Primer’s natural deduction system. Austen Clark has Logic Software for both natural deduction systems and truth trees. The foregoing are free.  For a modest fee you can also use Wandering Mango - Deductions, a natural deduction proof assistant, written for Mac OS X and featuring immediate feedback, hints, video tutorials and comprehensive help.

PLEASE NOTE!  If you are using the text for a class, please DOWNLOAD ALL THE FILES YOU WILL BE USING SO THAT YOU WILL HAVE THEM ON YOUR MACHINE just in case there is a transient problem with our server here at UCDavis when you need the files.

If you have problems, questions, or suggestions for the site, please email me at prteller@ucdavis.edu


Paul Teller


Click Here for the Logic Primer Files